Use BLOX In Minutes… Without Doing The Work?

BLOX: Working since 2017

Why do everything yourself when…

We’ve Created... Everything For You! 

And Everything We've Created For You Is... *Already Proven To Make $1000s.

*This is a true, accurate & verifiable statement. See some of our BLOX RMS systems below along with the income they are already making..
You can Either: Create everything yourself? or We Do It For You?
use our ready made, proven & profitable systems & Start in the next 5 minutes.
Even if you’re a complete beginner... See the proof below.

…Seeing Is Believing: Click the video

Mike McKay

Amazing... $485.56 With BLOX RMS Yesterday!

This has definitely got me excited, explosive from the outset… Amazing… $485.56 with BLOX yesterday, not too shabby🙂. 1000% positive… Thanks so much
 Although Mike could have created his own BLOX system (using BLOX 2.0) he choose to use one of our BLOX Ready Made Systems. Results shown are derived from BLOX RMS.
 All feedback, reviews, or testimonials (full or extracts) shown on this page are genuine. Original posts & messages are held on file for verification where/if required.

We Promised You Results… So Here’s

$1822.21 Using Swiitch

Generated Through 1 Account & 2 TIDs

Swiitch is the default name for one of our Ready Made BLOX Systems. TID is short for Tracking ID. TID's used: 'bloxswiitchflip' & 'bloxflip-swiitch'

The results shown ($1822.21) are specific to just two TIDs (Tracking IDs), using just one account, and derived 100% through the use of our Swiitch BLOX system.
Results shown only include 2 TID's used on 1 account out of many more TIDs used across 3 accounts equating to more income
Screenshot taken from actual BLOX RMS dashboard.
Results shown above are 100% genuine. These results are derived from our BLOX RMS System called 'Swiitch' & show our earnings from 2 tracking ID's. I.E. bloxwsiitchflip made $1383.52, & bloxflip-swiitch made $438.69... totalling $1822.21. Click the button to open a video pop-up so you can view the results in our account.
Swiitch is just one of our BLOX Ready Made Systems (BLOX RMS) which you can have access to today, and start using the moment you log in to BLOXYou can use this actual RMS with the Swiitch branding, or you can change the branding (name, look, logo etc) in around 2 minutes, to make it unique to you.
You can use this BLOX Ready Made System as your own today in minutes because it's all created and set up for you when you choose this option.

Here's Another $1277.36

Generated Through 2 TIDs Using Repii

TID is short for Tracking ID. TID's used: 'bloxflip-repii' & 'blox-splitp-repii'
Just like Swiitch, Repii is another one of our BLOX Ready Made Systems which you can use straight out of the box, as they say, or with your own branding if you prefer.
Results shown only include 2 TID's used on 1 account out of many more TIDs used across 3 accounts equating to more income
Screenshot taken from actual BLOX RMS dashboard.
Results shown above are 100% genuine. These results are derived from our BLOX RMS System called 'repii' & show our earnings from 2 tracking ID's. I.E. bloxflip-repii made $1052.30, & blox-splitp-repii made $225.06... totalling $1277.36. Click the button to open a video pop-up so you can view the results in our account.
You can use this BLOX Ready Made System as your own today in minutes because it's all created and set up for you when you choose this option.

Bobby Dolcee

$83.97 Using BLOX RMS For The First Time!

I made 12 sales (totalling $83.97) using BLOX 2.0… It works!
 Although Mike could have created his own BLOX system (using BLOX 2.0) he choose to use one of our BLOX Ready Made Systems. Results shown are derived from BLOX RMS.
 All feedback, reviews, or testimonials (full or extracts) shown on this page are genuine. Original posts & messages are held on file for verification where/if required.

Sang Oh

it's a very innovative... A huge time saver... 

BLOX: I really think it's a very innovative way to generate affiliate sales. DFY: A huge time saver, and especially with all the proven case studies Mark Bishop has repeatedly shown
 All feedback, reviews, or testimonials (full or extracts) shown on this page are genuine. Original posts & messages are held on file for verification where/if required.

Robert Scheer

When they say it's Ready Made, they mean EVERYTHING is ready made!

I was dazzled by how complete the BLOX 2.0 Ready Made Systems are. I've always been a do-it-myself kind of guy. But it would have taken me at least a week to try and replicate what I received, and my efforts would not have looked as good.

When they say it's Ready Made, what they mean is EVERYTHING is ready made, including details I might never have thought of. And it's all high-quality, professional work.

If you're like me and are juggling too many projects at once, the BLOX 2.0 Ready Made Systems take away your excuses and let you start a job, finish it fast, and have it done well, so you can look like a pro and start making money right away.
 All feedback, reviews, or testimonials (full or extracts) shown on this page are genuine. Original posts & messages are held on file for verification where/if required.

instrct... made us another: $802.99

With just a single use.

Screenshot taken from actual BLOX RMS dashboard.
Results shown above are 100% genuine. These results are derived from our BLOX RMS System called 'instrct' & show our earnings from 1 tracking ID. I.E. bloxflip-instrct which made $802.99.
Click the button to open a video pop-up so you can view the results in our account.
And that’s just a fraction of what just 3 of our BLOX RMS systems have already made.

So when we say... 

Our BLOX Systems Make Money.

We Don’t Mean… 
‘They Might’ or ‘They Should’ or ‘They Probably Will’...

We Mean… 
We've already tested them, used them ourselves, and proven that: They 100% Do Make Money.

And… You Can Use Them Too… In Minutes!

But only if you want to?

BLOX RMS is an option (not a requirement). 
You can create your own BLOX systems using BLOX which you already own. 

But if you decide to add BLOX Ready Made Systems (RMS) to your BLOX account today... then you’ll be able to start using the very same systems we use ourselves, which have already made $1000s.
And you’ll be able to start in as little as 5 minutes..… Because everything is already created, and ready to use.
You can use all of our BLOX Ready Made Systems (including the 3 mentioned above ) as your own today, in minutes because everything is created and set up for you when you choose this option.

And It's Genuinely Easy...

Using BLOX RMS is very easy... 
It's perfect for beginners...
And it's perfect for anyone who wants to get started straight away but doesn't want to create anything themselves.

RMS System Setup Example

Example using default branding.

Part 1:

Choose a BLOX Ready Made System

Start by choosing a BLOX RMS to use with 1 click.

Part 2:

Using the Setup wizard.

  • Step 1. Nothing to do*
  • Step 2. Choose a list to use.
  • ​Step 3. Add your affiliate details.
You can add in your own autoresponder list in step 2, to capture a prospects email details when you make sales, so you can create a list at the same time. Target products (the product you wish to promote using BLOX) can be changed as often as you like in step 3 of the wizard. *Step 1 is not required (nothing to do) when you use the default branding.

Part 3:

Links & Delivery Email

  • Copy and Paste the generated link into the platform / marketplace bonus area
  • Copy and Paste the pre-formatted delivery email into your autoresponder
BLOX RMS takes care of all the linking, the tech, the hosting, and builds the delivery email for you so all you need to do is copy & paste the link & email code the software generates for you and paste it where we show you.

Part 4:

Pitch Systems

You need eyeballs on your BLOX systems before anyone can buy anything... So with BLOX RMS you simply choose one, or more of our pre-built pitch systems to send visitors to your flip page.
All BLOX RMS customers have full access to multiple pre-built pitch systems, created especially for each BLOX RMS system, and each one automatically contains the customers 'hosted' flip page link / URL. Customers can choose to use as many of our pre-built pitch systems as they wish.
Each and every pitch system is already formatted, ready to use, and linked for you… 
Click the button below to open the explainer video, and see how easy it is to use BLOX RMS for yourself.

John Lee Thomas

especially beneficial for newbies and intermediates... 

I would be more inclined to use the Ready-Made-Systems (RMS) that Mark provides. This would certainly help to implement the system much quicker without having to design your Blox system from scratch. This is especially beneficial for newbies and intermediates. Of course after gaining experience and success using the RMS, you can custom design your own Blox system in any niche you choose.
 All feedback, reviews, or testimonials (full or extracts) shown on this page are genuine. Original posts & messages are held on file for verification where/if required.

What about rebranding?

That’s super easy & super quick too 

You can rebrand everything…

In 1 to 2 minutes using Step 1 of the setup wizard.

You do not need any experience or any special skills to re-brand our BLOX RMS systems. 

We created BLOX RMS so everyone can use it... including complete beginners.
Click on the demo / explainer video on your right, so you can... 
...See just how quick, and easy rebranding an entire BLOX RMS is.

BLOX RMS Is Always ReadyWhen You Are.

When you have BLOX RMS…

Your BLOX System Is Always Ready To Use 

It’ll be ready as soon as you log in to BLOX.
And you can use any of our BLOX ready made systems to 'target' (promote with a view to making money / commission) from *any, and as many digital products as you wish (*within the parameters mentioned on the main BLOX page & inside BLOX itself. I.e. niche & FE product pricing).

Everything Is Created & Ready For You To Use As Soon As You Log In:

Your BLOX Magnets Are Already Created...

We think of our BLOX magnets as mini products. I.e. they have to be good enough to sell (even though we don’t actually sell them).
As such, each of our RMS BLOX magnets is premium quality, and provides real training, & real value for the end user.
All magnets are complete, pre-written, fully formatted, hosted, and ready to use with their default branding.

And if you want to rebrand the magnet (and the whole system) in Step 1, then clicking ‘save’ changes everything in under 60 seconds..
For details on Step 1 re-branding the whole system, see re-branding video (above).
RMS magnet covers feature default or users logo branding on black background.

Your BLOX Magnet Access Page Is Done

Quality, and first impressions are paramount: 
So each of our RMS BLOX magnets are automatically embedded into a professional looking access page, along with everything required to provide the end user with real value.

The access page is already designed, formatted & hosted with either the default branding, or your branding if you change it. 

And to make things seamless for the end user we’ve also embedded an instruction video into all access pages so they always know how to access their training.
And... You don't have to do a thing, because your access page is already linked and created for you.
Screenshot (right) taken from actual generated BLOX magnet access page (Swiitch system) and features default branding.

Your FLIP Page Is Ready To Convert

The FLIP page is where we convert prospects, (I.E. those clicking a pitch link) into commission… so it needs to be good, and ours are already proven to be so.
Each flip page is fully formatted, with persuasive copy, an image, hosting, and can be used to target, and potentially make money from *any digital product you wish.
All you have to do is enter the name of the target product, the price, and your affiliate link in step 3 of the set-up wizard, and those details will automatically embed into your flip page.
…And you can change the target product (the product you want to promote / make money from) as often as you like.
*Blox systems are designed to target / make money from internet marketing / business opportunity type digital products & work best for products priced at $23 and under

Your Account Creation Page Is Ready

Your Account Creation Thank You Page Is Ready

And… Your Delivery Email Is Ready

When you choose a BLOX RMS to use, our software does all the work in the background for you... which includes creating your delivery email, with your details, your branding, or default branding.

So all you need to do is copy and paste the pre-built, pre-formatted, and pre-linked delivery email into your autoresponder…

And YES; when we say Copy & Paste… We Really Do Mean Copy & Paste.
You do not need to add links or do any formatting... Simply copy the subject by clicking the 'Copy' button... and then paste into your autoresponder. Then do the same with the body. Full video instructions are provided.
Don't have an autoresponder? No problem, we'll provide a link to get Aweber for free (up to 500 leads).

$994.62 In 3 Days Using BLOX!

 Although Mike could have created his own BLOX system (using BLOX 2.0) he choose to use one of our BLOX Ready Made Systems. Results shown are derived from BLOX RMS.
On Day 1 Mike Made $485.56 With BLOX... And $994.62 In 3 Days...
Using the exact same BLOX system over a 3 day period Mike has made, in his words: 'Just Shy of a Grand' or to be precise; 

Mike made 96 sales & $994.62 in 3 days... using one of our BLOX Ready Made Systems. The screenshot on the left shows the part of our Facebook conversation where I ask Mike how much he has made with BLOX so far.
 All feedback, reviews, or testimonials (full or extracts) shown on this page are genuine. Original posts & messages are held on file for verification where/if required.

Sandy Walsh

total beginner... get started very quickly

RMS: For the total beginner to help you get started very quickly without having to buy any extra tools and spend many, many hours/days learning to use them.
 All feedback, reviews, or testimonials (full or extracts) shown on this page are genuine. Original posts & messages are held on file for verification where/if required.

Tom Bieniek

incredibly user friendly

BLOX: I found the software to be incredibly user friendly, with an easy to navigate interface that made it super simple. RMS: High quality BLOX magnets made by Mark and his team to speed the whole process up.
 All feedback, reviews, or testimonials (full or extracts) shown on this page are genuine. Original posts & messages are held on file for verification where/if required.

Your BLOX Pitch Systems Are… Also Ready To Use 

And they’ll be ready the first time you log in to BLOX.

Pitch systems are used to funnel prospects to our Flip pages. 
This is how we pull visitors into our BLOX systems so we can make money.

Without a pitch system, nobody sees our flip pages, so nobody can buy a product through us… which would mean, we wouldn’t make any money.  

Multiple Pitch Systems Included...

With BLOX RMS we’ve already created all the pitch systems… So you don’t have to.

Each Ready Made BLOX System comes complete with multiple Pitch systems all of which are ready to use in ‘genuine’ Copy & Paste format.

Use one of them, or use six of them at the same time… that's entirely up to you. But you’ll find them all created for you, with your link embedded throughout.

Beginners… We have you covered too.

Are you a complete beginner? Are you worried about how to send prospects into your BLOX core?… 
Fear not, we have you covered too with our Split Pitch Systems.


1 Split Pitch Makes $225.06

It’s easy for us to just tell you something works…

But we’d much rather show you.

And we can do that because even though we’re clearly not beginners we still love using the Split Pitch System, because it’s easy… And it makes us money.

Example, Targeting:

Untapped Traffic.

In this example (click the video) we targeted a product called ‘Untapped Traffic’ using 2 different BLOX systems, one of which was the Split Pitch system.

Overall (2 systems) we made $684.83 targeting Untapped Traffic, $225.06 of which was 100% derived from the Split Pitch system.
Note: these are 100% genuine, and verifiable results. Click video to play.

Results like this... could be yours too...

And you'll never need to create anything yourself.

Like we said…

When We Say ‘Ready Made System’

We Actually Mean… ‘Ready Made System

Each and every BLOX RMS is complete, and ready to use in literally minutes… Even if you are a complete beginner (genuinely).

Not only have we created everything for you… we've also tested everything we give you access to, to prove it worked, and to prove it made us money too... which our systems have!
  • We took the time (a long time) to do this because we want you to get results with BLOX.
  • We want you to succeed, and we want you to make money with our systems… 
  • What we don’t want however, is to see you fail, or give up just because you have to learn something new, and do the work.

We want you to succeed… and:

We’ve Proven BLOX Works…

We’ve proven it 100s of times over… It’s indisputable.

And it can work for you too…

But you have to use it.

And to use it… 
You either have to follow the system instructions and create everything yourself, like we’ve shown you in the BLOX system you already own.
Or... You can cut out all of the system creation and use BLOX RMS instead. 
That way you can start using our pre-built, fully tested & already profitable systems within minutes of logging into BLOX for the first time.
You just need to decide which option works best for you…
You might prefer to do all the work yourself?
Or, you might prefer it if everything is already created for you?
Only you can answer this…
And whichever way you do it, you can do so knowing full well that BLOX is a genuine system which we use ourselves, and which we’ve already proven works, and makes us money.

So what’ll it be?

Are you ready to start using BLOX RMS In Minutes?

If you are, then it’s time to…

Choose Your BLOX RMS Package

Choose one of the BLOX RMS packages below and we’ll activate it in your BLOX account instantly, so you can start using it from the moment you log in.




BLOX RMS Basic Includes:

2 BLOX Ready Made Systems 

Consisting of:

  • 2x Pre-built BLOX Magnets
  • ​2x Magnet access pages
  • ​Access page videos
  • ​2x Flip pages
  • ​Flip page target product editing
  • ​2x Account creation pages
  • ​2x Account creation thank you pages
  • ​Copy & Paste links
  • ​Copy & Paste fully formatted delivery email
  • ​6 pitch systems (including Split Pitch)
  • ​Default branding
  • ​Step 1 ‘rebrand everything’ option
  • ​Autoresponder integration
  • ​Free Aweber autoresponder link
  • ​System list integration
  • ​Edit systems as often as you wish
  • ​Everything hosted
  • ​Guaranteed approval to target / promote BLOX
  • ​Full video instructions for everything
  • ​Full instant access
  • ​Use as often as you wish, no limits
2 System BLOX RMS package:

FOR JUST: $27.00

Billed monthly.
BLOX RMS: Basic is a monthly subscription. I.e. you will be billed $27 per month. KleverSystems retain ownership of this system, and grant you a licence to use the system for the duration of your subscription. Your subscription can be cancelled by you whenever you wish.

BLOX RMS Premium Includes:

4 BLOX Ready Made Systems 

Consisting of:

  • Full instant access to everything
  • ​4x Pre-built BLOX Magnets
  • ​4x Magnet access pages
  • ​4x Flip pages
  • 4x ​Account creation pages
  • 4x ​Account creation thank you pages
  • ​6 pitch systems (including Split Pitch)
  • ​Flip page target product editing
  • ​Access page videos
  • ​Copy & Paste links
  • ​​Everything hosted
  • ​Copy & Paste fully formatted delivery email
  • ​Default branding
  • ​Step 1 ‘rebrand everything’ option
  • ​Autoresponder integration
  • ​Free Aweber autoresponder link
  • ​System list integration
  • ​Edit systems as often as you wish
  • ​Guaranteed approval to target / promote BLOX
  • ​Use as often as you wish, no limits
  • ​Full video instructions for everything
4 System BLOX RMS package:

FOR JUST: $37.00

Billed monthly.
BLOX RMS: Basic is a monthly subscription. I.e. you will be billed $37 per month. KleverSystems retain ownership of this system, and grant you a licence to use the system for the duration of your subscription. Your subscription can be cancelled by you whenever you wish.

Choose the yearly option

And Save...

$147 Per Year

On BLOX RMS: Premium

Get the complete Premium BLOX RMS package, consisting of 4 BLOX ready made systems... 
...As itemised under 'Premium'
With a massive discount when paying yearly instead of monthly.
  • Full instant access to Premium
  • ​4x Pre-built BLOX Magnets
  • ​4x Magnet access pages
  • 4x Flip pages
  • 4x ​Account creation thank you pages
  • ​6 pitch systems (including Split Pitch)
  • ​Default branding
  • ​Flip page target product editing
  • Autoresponder integration
  • ​Edit systems as often as you wish
  • ​Guaranteed approval to target / promote BLOX
  • ​Full video instructions for everything
  • EVERYTHING mentioned in the premium package. 
4 System BLOX RMS package:

FOR JUST: $297.00

Billed Yearly (Yearly saving: $147 compared to Blox premium monthly.).
BLOX RMS: Premium (yearly) is a yearly subscription. I.e. you will be billed $297 per year.
KleverSystems retain ownership of this system, and grant you a licence to use the system for the duration of your subscription. Your subscription can be cancelled by you whenever you wish.

Q. Why do I have to pay a monthly subscription?
A. BLOX RMS is an ongoing service. 
Number 1. Customers using BLOX RMS are using our systems under licence with a view to generating results for themselves. 
Number 2. Providing automation, system maintenance, the ability to instantly re-brand complete systems, and system wide hosting, impacts our servers, thus incurring ongoing costs. All legitimate ongoing service providers need to charge ongoing fees to maintain their service, as do we.
Q. Not sure if you can afford this option?
A. Perhaps you should ask yourself if you can afford not to use BLOX RMS?
If $37 (or even $27) a month seems like an expense you could do without right now, take a moment to consider the following:

Everything we give you access to is already fully created for you. Fully created systems will save you time, and will enable you to get started immediately (even if you are a beginner). Our fully created systems may even be the difference between failure or success, I.e. is it better to do the work yourself, or be able to use the same systems we've already developed, tweaked, and perfected for our own use, which we've already proven make us money?

BLOX RMS might even save you money: because everything is already built, formatted with images & videos etc, linked, and hosted for you, so you don't need to pay for page builders, hosting or worry about any of the technical stuff, which when you think about it is not only a massive time saver but could also save you money each month when you consider that you don't require a page builder, you don't require hosting, and perhaps many other things you might not have right now.

And lastly, consider this: If a customer pays $37 to use our BLOX RMS Premium Package, all it takes to cover their total monthly subscription payment is *2 sales. Just *2 sales a month *will cover the customers monthly subscription cost... everything after that goes in the customers pocket. We've already proven that our systems have made 1000s, we've shown you that other people are getting amazing results with BLOX RMS, E.G. Bobby made 12 sales on day 1, Mike made $994.62 in 3 days. We've also included the Split-Pitch system, so even beginners can use the BLOX RMS system.
*Indicates example based on BLOX as the targeted product with an average customer spend of $37 across the funnel (connected products). I.e. in this example if the customer promotes BLOX using a BLOX RMS and refers two customers, the commission on the average customer spend would be $37 (I.e. 50% 0f the customer spend)... This is an example and not a guarantee, we are not making any implications... This paragraph is provided merely as an example to help demonstrate potential.
Try BLOX RMS for 1 month... if you don't think our ready made systems are the best you've ever seen & used simply cancel it!
Q. Why would I want 2 or 4 BLOX Ready Made Systems, when 1 can be used to target multiple products?
A. 1 BLOX system is enough, but having more means we can potentially make more. 
For example if you used BLOX RMS with a subscriber *list which you already own, having more than one BLOX system means you won't always be talking about the same system. When you build a list with BLOX automatically (when a prospect buys through you and creates an account to access your BLOX magnet) you can capitalise on your new list by emailing your new subscribers a pitch for one of your other BLOX systems. You could have multiple BLOX systems targeting multiple offers at the same time, giving you the potential to multiply sales by 2 or 4 depending on which package you choose. 

For us the plain and simple reason is: having multiple BLOX systems ready to use at a moments notice is simply about making more. Which is the same reason many of our customers choose to use multiple systems instead of just one.
*You do not need a list to use BLOX or BLOX RMS, we mentioned 'list' to demonstrate an example of what could be done with multiple BLOX systems.
Please remember: This is an optional upgrade (a choice, and not a requirement). This upgrade is available to all BLOX 2.0 customers who would rather not create their own BLOX systems & prefer to use our ready made, proven and already profitable systems instead… So they are able to start in minutes.

BLOX RMS Terms & Guarantee:

We guarantee that BLOX RMS is as stated on this page and indicative of the specific RMS package the customer purchases: I.e. The customer is licensed to use our ready made BLOX systems, and receive all RMS package features as stated, to use with a view to generating results for themselves for as long as their subscription is active, I.e. BLOX RMS is a service (SAAS). It is the customer's job to use what they purchase, as such we cannot, and do not guarantee commission, profit, income, financial return, specific or otherwise. We also guarantee to provide an ongoing service throughout the customers subscription period.

In the unlikely event that this package does not include the stated items, does not function as stated, or if we fail to provide an ongoing service, we will make every effort to fix any issues quickly via our dedicated support. If we are unable to fix the customer's issue we will process a full refund for the effected month within the guarantee period of 30 days from date of payment conditional on receipt of: proof of non receipt, or proof of non functioning features which we were unable to rectify within a satisfactory period.

Cancellations: The customer can end their subscription whenever, or should they ever want to. Customers can cancel their own subscription via their W+ purchase area (via their own W+ account), or they can ask us to cancel their subscription for them.

Refunds / cancellations: All BLOX products are IPN linked, in the event of a refund or subscription cancellation, access to the refunded / cancelled product/ features will be locked instantly & any existing projects removed.

Ownership: KleverSystems retain ownership of all BLOX ready made systems, and grant you a licence to use the systems for the duration of your subscription.

By purchasing any BLOX RMS package you agree to these guarantee terms.
© 2023 KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD - All Rights Reserved